Pre-paid cash card is an electronic card which has monetary value loaded into it and it is rechargeable. It is a new type of services that enable buyers to enjoy going around without bringing cash. Pre-paid cash card sometimes called as “stored-value” cards, this is because the amount of money you can spend depends on how much money you have put on it. Different with credit card or debit card, it contains a concept of “pay now, spend later”. This will make sure that you are not run into debt like over used the credit card or credit card.
In Malaysia, Touch ‘n Go card is a most popular prepaid cash card that use to pay for transportation service and toll collection. This usually is used at all highways in Malaysia, major public transports in Klang Valley, selected parking sites and theme park. Touch ‘n Go card now is expanding the application of the card service to other sector like parking fee, theme park, retail purchase and fast food industry. Once you have finish off the money in the card, you can reload it by top up it at specific locations. Further information, you can visit this official website (Touch ‘n Go card).
In other countries, there also have application of pre-paid cash card. In Hong Kong, that is a card called Octopus card which is a rechargeable contactless stored value smart card used to transfer electronic payments in online or offline systems. This card have been widely used payment system for virtually all public transport in Hong Kong and other service like convenience stores, supermarkets, fast-food restaurants, on-street parking meters, car parks, and other point-of-sale applications such as service stations and vending machines. For more detail can refer to the official website (Octopus).
In Singapore, there is a card name EZ-Link card which is a smart card that used for payments for transportation in Singapore. Nowadays, the usage of the EZ-Link is expand to the other industries like food & beverage, convenience store, gaming, government services, hopping, retail & leisure, private bus services, and health. The EZ-Link card can be top-up at the 7 Eleven, MDIS, PLMGS (Pacific Bookstores Pte Ltd) and Republic Polytechnic. For more detail about this card, you may visit the official website (EZ-Link).
In Washington, there is a card name SmarTrip card which is a plastic, permanent and reloadable contactless stored-value smart card used for payment within the Washington Metro system, all Metrorail stations, and on all Metrobuses. Additionally, SmarTrip is the only way to pay for parking fees at Metro-operated lots. SmarTrip can also be used on the DC Circulator. Futher information, you may request from the official website (SmarTrip) .
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