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Saturday, July 5, 2008

E-Government in Malaysia: Its implementation so far and citizen’s adoption strategies.

The Electronic Government initiative was launched to lead the country into the Information Age. It will improve how the government operates internally, as well as how it delivers services to the people of Malaysia. It seeks to improve the convenience, accessibility and quality of interactions with citizens and businesses. At the same time, it will improve information flows and processes within government to improve the speed and quality of policy development, coordination and enforcement.

To accelerate the objectives of Vision 2020, a path has already been defined through seven innovative Flagship Applications. These applications are engineered to start the MSC initiative and create a multimedia heaven for innovative producers and users of multimedia technology. Both local and foreign companies work with various government agencies to enhance the socio-economic development of Malaysia. The Multimedia Super Corridor offers a Malaysian initiative for the Information Age.

The Flagship Applications are:

  • Electronic Government,
  • Multipurpose Card,
  • Smart School,
  • Telehealth,
  • R&D Clusters,
  • E-Business and,
  • Technopreneur Development.

The vision of Electronic Government is a vision for government, businesses and citizenry working together for the benefit of Malaysia and all of its citizens. The vision focuses on effectively and efficiently delivering services from the government to the people of Malaysia, enabling the government to become more responsive to the needs of its citizens.

The 7 pilot projects of the Electronic Government Flagship Application are as follows:

  • Project Monitoring System (SPP II),
  • Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS),
  • Generic Office Environment (GOE),
  • Electronic Procurement (EP),
  • Electronic Services (E-Services),
  • Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX) and
  • E-Syariah.

So, what is the common problems that facing by Malaysian citizen?
People always will think about the security problem first. Do their information be seen by others people? Is that secure to pay online? Of course the government will concern about the security issue. The government has several ways to secure our people while they involve in the e-services. As a user of the e-services provided by the government, we also need to have the knowledge about internet security, like phising, trojan, or spyware. These are the common ways to "take" your information easily.

For a successful e-government, there are some characteristics need to achieve:
1. Convenience and Satisfaction(Services provided anytime, anyhow, anywhere)
People will have a choice of channels to government information and services that are convenient, easy to use and deliver what is wanted.

2. Integration and Efficiency(Services that are integrated, customer-centric and efficient)
Information and services will be integrated, packaged and presented to minimise cost for people, businesses and departments

3. Participation(Participation in government)
People will be better informed and better able to participate by having easier access to government information and processes

Once the government provides a very nice services, why not the people will like to use it?

Ways to encourage more citizens to use the e-government services

  • Increase the popularity of e-services through TV or newspaper advertisements
  • Hold campaigns to educate people how to use the services easily.
  • Provide multiple language website.


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